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شارع وصفي التل (الجاردنز) الأردن، عمان


Positive Thinking Course

1.000 د.ا

You can achieve anything you set your mind to and prepare yourself for; just don’t let others make you think you can’t, and don’t give in to nightmares.

By the end of this training course, each participant will be able to:

Understand the meaning of positive living.
Identify obstacles to positive thinking.
Discover hidden abilities for positive thinking.
Recognize personal strengths and weaknesses.
Who This Course is For Anyone looking to change their lifestyle and mindset.

Course Outline

Day 1:

Introduction to Positive Thinking
The Circle of Emotions
Positive vs. Negative Thinking
Positive Thinking and the Subconscious Mind
Life’s Map vs. Reality
Obstacles to Positive Thinking

Day 2:

Positive Laws for the Subconscious Mind
How to Enhance Positive Thinking Abilities
The Five Keys of Optimism
Turning Pressure into Success
The Hobby of Positive Thinking and How to Practice It

Course Duration

Two days, with four hours of training each day.